Friday 11 November 2011

Finally, last currently...

-Where and when did you find yourself sitting down to read? Do you tend to read with music on, or in silence? By the computer? Did you find yourself checking your phone a lot, or do you ever lose yourself in the reading? Do you ever talk about the books you read with your family or friends or teachers?

When I find time to read, I usually sit down in a quiet, calm place in my house such as my room or office. Whenever I clean my room, or when my sheets are just washed, I find myself reading more often than when my room is a total mess. I can't read with the radio on because I can't fully understand and relate to the book. I prefer total silence. My favorite place to read is in my bed, and other than that, I don't really like. If I am texting someone important, I will usually finish the paragraph or page I'm reading before I  check my messages. When I am reading for long periods of time, I often do lose myself inside the book. Time escapes from me and I just read until my eyes hurt or I realize that I need to be doing something else. I don't ever talk about the books I'm reading simply because I don't want to discuss the book; I just want to have my own opinion if I like it or not. But, I do often tell my friends or family to read a book that I find enjoyable. Reading for me comes to bursts, I can't read enough sometimes, and other times I don't want to do anything. Usually good books allow me to read more than if I was reading a book for school or something.

Tweaking to the end

I can't believe that this is our last week of blogging! Its so sad, even though I've kind of been slacking about the whole blog posting, I still enjoy it when I find the time. Im still reading Tweak, and that surprises me because when I like books, it only takes me like one to two weeks to finish, but this time I haven't gotten around to finishing. This semester has gone so fast and I don't know where the time has gone!

Back to the book... Nic has relapsed again, which I figured only because he never really wanted to get better for himself, but for others. If he would stay sober for others, he would relapse for someone else too. The reason why is Zelda; shes Nic's new girlfriend and they started to live together; Nic getting fired from his job and moving out of his apartment was only a few sacrifices that he has to make to win her love, but the biggest one yet was trying to break into his moms house in order to steal a computer. While in the garage, Nic blanks out and 6 hours later when he tries to escape, his parents are waiting for him. They tell Nic that he has two choices; get arrested or go to rehab. He chooses rehab, which is where I am no in the book. His parents decided to move him into a rehab in Arizona, so his relationship with Zelda I believe is coming to an end.

Thursday 3 November 2011

Mind Gym by Gary Mack

Our marching band went to state this previous weekend, and we ended up winning. Cool, right? So now everyone is congratulating us and "honoring" us. Anyway, I'm so glad we won, but I don't think my reaction towards our win was what was expected of us. So, now I'm reading Mind Gym by Gary Mack. Its a preparation book that tell you how an athlete would preform mentally; saying that your game is 90 percent of the game is half mental. I still don't know what that means, just that your game is determined by how mentally prepared you are. Since winter guard starts next week, I hope that this book will help me to become a better performer and be able to give advice to those who haven't figured it out yet. Even before reading Mind Gym, I always have mental rules and superstitions before a contest. I don't like seeing the field before we preform, and I always sing and chew gum right during warm up and before we walk onto the stage. I always crack and neck before tosses and crack my hands before dancing. I don't eat before the game, even if I'm hungry and I don't like to know where my mom is sitting because I don't want to see her reactions. In my head, all of these "rules" that I do make me preform to my greatest potential. I hope Mind Gym gives me better advice than what I am doing, to see if I can have a great performance by telling myself that I will. I want to trust myself and what I am able to do without fearing it won't happen. Well, we'll see...

Wednesday 26 October 2011,r:7,s:92&tx=78&ty=66


1. Baker describes the appearance of the lobby of his work as a place with “towering volumes of marble and glass,” and he also uses figurative language when he mentions the escalator “as the handrails slid on their tracks, like the radians of black luster.”
- Used the verb "use", number 6.

2. Comparing the black handrails, "like the radians of black luster," shows the way he is able to control his writing.
- Uses the words "shows", number 6.

3. 'he also uses figurative language when he mentions the escalator “as the handrails slid on their tracks, like the radians of black luster."
- Refrain from using he says when describing a quote. 
4. " Comparing the black handrails, "like the radians of black luster," shows the way he is able to control his writing.
-The example above, the person used "he is able". Avoid "he ..." quotes.

Tuesday 25 October 2011


In the beginning of Catcher in the Rye, JD Salinger’s literal, blunt diction expresses Holden’s attitude towards his life and his surroundings. While describing his “touchy as hell”, he empathizes how emotional his parents can be. Mentioning his childhood as a “lousy childhood.” The negative connotation of his words is straightforward, making his word choice easily believed by others. Speaking of his brother, Holden says where D.B. lives “isn’t too far from this crumby place.” Though Holden is capable of positive emotions shown by his compassion for his brother.

Friday 21 October 2011

Style Mapping

Tweak: Nic Sheff
:Growing up on methamphetamines. 

Starting at the LOW side of the y axis, Nic Sheff bluntly uses vulgar language to remember a time he had with a previous girlfriend. His harsh words suggest exactly how his addiction has escalated. Nic uses figurative language to describe her body and uses graphic words.

The Girls Guide to Hunting and Fishing by: Melissa Bank

Her journalistic viewpoint of her brothers first girlfriend precisely describes how love waits for no one. This guide compares and contrasts how women should act towards men and each other. 

Thursday 20 October 2011


-to cause to become physiologically or psychologically dependent
adherent, devotee; fanatic; junkie

separate, apart, or isolated from others
      adverb: solitary; solely


worth of no use, importance, or value; good-for-nothing
       without practical value or usefulness

I think of these words when I am reading Tweak. Addiction is only caused and can only be cured your you, and your actions. No one can force you to recover, because relapsing is just around the corner. You do certain things, good nor bad, because you made the decision to, not your friends or your parents. These 3 words resemble the struggle and the reasons of substance abuse and addiction.   

Tweaking it up...

Tweak hasn't gotten much better.... I've continued reading, but I'm losing interest, quickly. The book has gone in a more positive direction though, Nic is trying to become sober and live his life the right way, for once. He moved from LA and is living in his old, vacant apartment. He finds his run-down flat bike and his gear that he left a short time ago, to go full-fill a more thrilling, exciting, drug addiction life. Now that he is recovering, Nic tries to follow all the 12-step guidelines to the tee, and finding an inner peace with himself and with God. He prays all the time now, thanking God for what he has accomplished, rather than asking for something. He tries to help others, which actually helps himself in the long run. He depends on his best friend, Spencer, who is a recovering addict of 15 years to help him through his struggle of recovering. When Spencer becomes very ill and is sent to the hospital, they leave Nic in charge of their young little girl Lilly. He has to cook for her and make sure she gets up and gets to school on time, and at first Nic thinks the responsibility will be too much, but in the end he benefits from helping others and in return Nic is much more mentally stable to recover. He still has a long way to go though...

Sunday 16 October 2011


I was absent on Friday, and I just realized that I didn't check what we were doing for etymology. It says a reflection. So my reflection follows...
I need to improve, a lot. I need to read more and I need to blog more. I did so well in the beginning, and now I'm just slacking and getting behind. This week I want it to be different. I hope so. I'm reading Tweak, and I want to finish it by next week. I'm glad I took this class, I actually enjoy coming to it every day. I'm learning words that I use in my normal vocab now, and I think its funny when I use a word that my friends don't know what it means. I don't want the semester to end because I don't want the class to end, I like it too much. No regrets in this year. Just improvements.

Friday 14 October 2011


Tweak, by Nic Sheff, is a very repetitive book. Its all about getting high and thinking about becoming clean. Spending every cent of your money and hitting rock bottom before becoming sober, just so you can relapse is the main theme of Tweak. Nic, is on day 23 of relapsing, and he takes a lot to get him high, or feeling that he is high. He is getting high so often that he has trouble finding a vein to hit; now he looks for veins in his feet or legs. He believes that you should live life and die young, rather than die from a old and boring life. Personally, I would rather lie a mediocre, long life. Living the life of getting high and drunk all day doesn't seem a tad bit interesting or fun as people, such as Nic Sheff and Gack do. I hope that reading more of Tweak will give me an insight on how the "druggies" of the world compensate for their bad decisions.

Wednesday 12 October 2011

Tweak, Nic Sheff

I'm going to finish this book if its the last thing I do! I don't exactly approve the frequent use of the "f" word, or the making drugs sound appealing, but its actually a good book. Some of the paragraphs are hard to comprehend simply because I don't know if he is talking to himself about his own emotions, or if the author, which is himself, is giving an insight to his feelings. The book also explains the types of people who end up doing drugs, alcohol, or often cut themselves. Often people feel pain and empty inside, and they think that doing drugs will make everything seem okay. Personally, I don't think I would ever attempt to do drugs and potentially harm myself, even if I wasn't the happiest person. I hope Tweak has a good ending, and Nic Sheff recovers and rebuilds his life after being a drug addict. 

Tuesday 11 October 2011

tweak favorites

Im such a slacker! I only blogged once and and only read like 35 pages. I started reading Tweak, by Nic Sheff, and I'm not sure what I think about it yet. I knew it was about drugs, but not how to do them. So this was a bad week, so my goal is to do the required reading and blog the right amount. Now I guess its time for the favs...

"How can I go forward  when I don't know which way I'm facing."

"I melt down half a gram of the sweet-smelling tar in the jar I took from Laurens."

"Bullet is homeless."

Thursday 6 October 2011


I have not a clue where this week has gone!! I still think the week hasn't started. I've been so busy with guard and projects that I haven't had time to read all week and I like to read. The art of project we are doing consumes most of my free time honestly because my partner and I work really slow so we need a lot of time for each paragraph. On Sunday I bought Tweak at Barnes and Nobles, but I haven't gotten a real chance to read it; like maybe 20 pages and thats it. I'm truly ashamed. Once band is over I feel like I will get the opportunity to read lots, especially this week was hard. We changed the ending to our show and our coaches have been drilling all the new changes into our heads, too much pressure for me right now. There is only a few more weeks until state so I guess I'll be okay until then. My goal is to read all of Teak, so that I can read the book I ordered, The Dark League King. Cant wait.

Friday 30 September 2011

as current as it gets.

"...the boy who tore his earlobe in half trying to give Misty his earring, well, he's bald now."

"...everything you do is a self-portrait."

"What you learn in art school is there's an etiquette to drugs. You share them."

I personally like the second quote the best because I agree that life is how you see and full fill life to be. Everything is a self-portrait because you see life different than anyone else and how you see things makes a different outcome.


Well, I stopped reading, How to Be Popular because it kind of got repetitive. It wasn't a bad book, I just got bored and wanted to read something else. No biggy. I'm kind of losing track of reading because  I am so busy all the time. With band practicing 23 hours a week, and having 19 hours on Saturday, I am always tired and overloaded with homework that I don't always have time to do my reading and blogging for the week. My goal for improvement this week is too be more conscience of my time and try to blog more for etymology and blog experiences from my personal life. How to Be Popular kind of reminds me of my best friend and I. Everyone thinks we like each other, but we are really just good friends. He and I have a lot in common and I guess being friends with the opposite sex means that Im in love with that person. In How to Be Popular, Stephanie gets mad at her best friend over something that didn't have anything to do with her. I feel like that's where I am at right now. I am currently mad at him, but I don't know if the reason I'm mad at him allows me to be mad at him because I don't know if I'm overstepping my boundaries or not. I guess I stopped reading this book because I don't want to know if I shouldn't be mad, because I care about him and don't want him involved in the wrong crowd and doing things that I don't approve of. I also plan on buying, The Dart League King this weekend. I'm upper excited to get it, I hope its as good as Mr. Hill made it seem like.

Wednesday 28 September 2011

mixing it upp

Today, I decided to read How to Be Popular by Meg Cabot. Its a novel about a girl, Stephanie, who wants to fit into the popular crowd of high school. This book does not actually tell you how to be "popular" or anything, it is more about what makes you a better person. Rules like think of others before yourself are hidden messages throughout this book. Everyone knows these simple rules already, but sometimes people forget the little reminders. This book helps you to relate to the popular side and the non-popular side. How to Be Popular is not about being popular, but a decent human being; having empathy and a heart. I'm close to finishing this book, and I learned that not being popular is okay. I rather have people like me for who I really am, rather than people thinking that they like me because I act like they want me too. Everyone should live a true life and be happy with they people that love them and with the people they love.

Friday 23 September 2011

Sentences of the week

"In ocean park, the man answers his front door, a wineglass in one hand, some kind of bright orange wine filling it up to his index finger on the side of the glass."

"Call it custom or superstition or feng shui."

"These thin women, maybe on the weekends you'll see a husband, short and dumpy, sweating so hard the black flock he sprays at her withered throat..."

Thursday 22 September 2011


This book reminds me of a sad love letter that is supposed to be personal, but somehow everyone finds out. This is written by the wife of the husband who killed himself. She writes as if he is going to read what she wrote some day, even though hes dead. She blames him for her horrible life, and writes as if she wishes she made a different decision. She never says she does not love him though, only that she wishes things did not turn out the way they did. She does not want to have to clean up the tracks that her husband made; she doesn't want to feel responsible for his mistakes. It wasn't her fault that he killed himself, and now she has to fix all the rooms that her husband vandalized and made disappear. Diary, has many inner connections to feelings and emotions that help portray how the author wants the reader to feel about the husband and the widow. The missing rooms and the suicide help us understand what kind of image we see the husbands as; helps us decide what we think of the relationship the two share.

Back in the 80's

Today was Back to the Future day, so I dressed up like the 80's. It was super fun and interesting to see all the looks I received from others kids. I borrow my moms jacket, so my outfit was a legit 80's outfit, not just a goodwill find. My hair on the other hand, took me forever! I spent an hour just braiding it, and the next morning I had to take them all out and brush out the waves. And the outcome was a bushy wavy wad of hair! My friend and I have dressed up everyday, and we take a picture so we can remember how "spirited" we are....

Wednesday 21 September 2011


I started this new book, Diary, by Chuck Palahniuk. I like the last name a lot, but I do not know who to pronounce it. Oh well, it really does not matter. The book, on the other hand, has qualities that some might find puzzling and odd. Apparently, a man killed himself and his widow is how receiving calls from clients' houses that he remodeled, saying that a room is missing. How can a room go missing first of all, and how does it take people days to realize it? The houses are mostly beach houses that people do not always visit or live in, but how could someone not know what the rooms look like. And why would anymore hide a room anyway? That is what I do not understand. Anyway, the room that was hidden, has words that show how hurtful, harsh, and excepting the world can be. The words prevail that not everyone has an easy life, and that some suffer emotionally and socially. I am not far into Diary, but I can already tell that I will be able to relate to the book easier than any of my friends would. I recommend this book to anymore that has hidden their true feelings to make it easier on you and your peers, rather than causing attention that you many not want.

Tuesday 20 September 2011

claims of la dia

Team iLuminate’s performance on NBC’s Americas Got Talent the groups [jerky but elegant movements, strange and breath-taking choreography, and rapid roaming use of space]

The majestic, distinctive color with the deep, wild detail add to the heavy contrast and proud focus of this lion, a dignified and appreciative beast who hunted his prey out of resigned necessity, and for a disgruntled, hungry family.

In the scene from Homestead's Elite show choir, our choice of uplifting and contemporary pop music sets the scene of sharp and fluid arm movements, short and lively leg choreography and concentrated facials. With numerous girls, the use of space was confined nonetheless gave off an upbeat and loud sound. An example of celebratory cheerfulness, defiant confidence, and impassioned success in the work of these girls who reveal strong vibrancy and optimistic success. 

My two favorites are Dolphin Cats and Lucky's. I watched the video for Dolphincats, and I thought the performance was epic. And Lucky's cute use of words to explain how cute and innocent children are. 

Emerson's chubby cheeks, varying moods, and melodic giggles highlight the sincere, playful, and cheerful innocence of children.

In the beautifully bright movie poster of the Wizard of Oz, the creators use of old fashioned colors, alive and real facials, reverent feelings, and excited attractiveness makes this old fashioned movie a must see movie.  

Monday 19 September 2011

Breakbeats the Pulse of the Underground

What I was looking for...
Posture: dignified, modest, confident
Movement: aggressive, intense, enthusiastic
Performance: cheerful, lighthearted, energetic, convincing, explosive, beautiful
Genre of Dance: strong, whimsical, majestic

Homesteads winter guard performance, Breakbeats Pulse of the Underground, uses bright energetic performance, aggressive clean movement, intensive strong upbeat dance, and confident clean posture to woo the audience watching.

Friday 16 September 2011

poet of the month: Richard Brautigan

A Boat
Richard Brautigan
O beautiful
was the werewolf   
in his evil forest.   
We took him
to the carnival   
and he started   
when he saw
the Ferris wheel.   
green and red tears   
flowed down
his furry cheeks.   
He looked
like a boat
out on the dark   

My fab favs

"All you need to understand is you turned out to be one sorry sack of s*it."

" The weather today is increasing concern followed by full blown dread."

"The man calling from Long Beach, he says his bathroom is missing."

My favorite quote for this week is the first one because I find it humorous how the author talks to the reader poorly because they are reading the book. Diary, by Chuck Palahniuk, is the book that I am reading this week. So far, so good.

Jung Careet Indicator

Thursday 15 September 2011


I'M SO EXCITED FOR THIS MOVIE TO COME OUT!! I've read all the books, and this movie will be the end to the glorious vampire days for me:(

Pippy Longstocking

This week has been nothing, but bad books. I tried about 3 different books, and I have not fallen in love with a single one yet. It makes me very upset. I got a new book, The Diary, from Mr. Hills library, so I hope that this book will be a good one. I'm about due for a good book. This week was very busy, but it just went to a crashing stop. Kind of put a damper on my week, so I plan on reading to keep me busy.
   It was hard for me to get the required amount of pages this week. I usually read around 250 to 300 pages, but this week I barley got 150 pages. I blame the bad books. My goal for next week is to finish The Diary, and continue reading The Host. I still have not gotten The Dart Game King yet, its on my to do list. Maybe next weeks' book will be that book, if not, Mr. Hill has a whole library of books that I can read while I wait.

Wednesday 14 September 2011

Lillah :)

This is my new dog, Lillah. I often call her Lilly, but I think its a good thing that we rescued her. I miss Lilly, and I hope that Lillah fills some of the gap in my heart :)

The mysterious Host.

This book confuses me! I haven't read that much of it because I have to think so hard about whats going on that I don't enjoy the book. One moment I think its about an alien, but then it goes into how the humans soul can still run the body. I don't know if Earth has been invaded by aliens, or  if the book is about a science experiment gone wrong. I guess reading more of the book might help solve my problems, but it hurts my brain to keep reading. I like books that I don't have to think about. Anyways, we'll see what happens in the future.
        Ever since Mr. Hill did a book trailer on The Dart Game King, all I want to do now is read that book. This weekend, I might just go to Barn's and Noble and buy the book. The trailer made the book sound so cool and entertaining. I guess for the rest of the week I might continue reading Pippy Longstocking, since The Host isn't for my liking at the moment. I also need to find more time in my day to read. I haven't gotten the chance to read a lot this week, and it saddens me. I would like to read about 300 pages a week, and this week I might be right on the required pages.

Sunday 11 September 2011

the Host

"Choppy,  boxy, blind, and linear." These words were used to describe our language.

"Sarcasm,  my memory called it." I'm sarcastic all the time, so I thought this line fit.

"Welcome to Earth, Wanderer." hahahah, I didn't know this book was about Earth, I thought it was about a planet...

Wednesday 7 September 2011

a little bit of this, at that

I haven't really gotten to love a book this week. It stinks. Since I already read a 300 page book this week, Beastly, I didn't want to go all week without reading anything. So I solution to my problem was to start as many books that I thought looked interesting. Well, I started 3 and I haven't liked any of them that much. I started to read, The Host, by Stephanie Meyer, and since I heard it was a good book I think I am going to stick this one to the end. Stephanie Meyer is the person who wrote The Twilight Saga, and since I loved those books I thought I would love another book by her. Not exactly so far. I'm on page 25 ish and I still have no idea what the book is about. I thought it was a new soul entering an old human body, but in the book they say its still a human. So I am hoping that I find out what this book is about before I invest several hours into it. Ill give it about 200 pages before I quit for sure. Fingers crossed!!

Monday 5 September 2011

oh blueberry festival...

So, I went to the Blueberry Festival in Plymouth, Michigan. It was very cold, and full of mini blueberry doughnut eating people. Oh, and the fireworks were awesome, but they sounded like bombs blowing up countries. Well, that sums my day at the blueberry festival.

Saturday 3 September 2011

I got a new Disney Princess coloring book today!! And a pack of 94 crayons!! I didn't even know you could buy that many crayons! I feel like a little kid, but I was very excited when I bought this:)


I just finished another book already! The title was called, Beastly, and it talked about finding true love. After I finished this morning, I rented the movie on Red box, but I was very disappointed. The movie had the same concept, but it wasn't as mysterious and romantic as it was in the book. So, now I am reading a few of the old Pippy Longstocking books that were my moms. The books are so old that masking tape is holding the torn and yellow pages together. I hope they are entertaining...

Friday 2 September 2011

Friday Well Spent:)

I showed my etymology class my broken camera, but good thing my camera has two screens. Jessica was excited about this realization:) Who could blame her. Well, this is how I spent my Friday in Eytmology...

i forgot one, oops

"Maybe someone left a booger under your desk." hahahah. How random! Just by reading this I hope that you understand why someone might like it.

whats that line?!

"Beastly. This word was from another time and place." So, I just started a new book, Beastly, its also a major motion picture. I'm into those kinds of books that I can picture the character and setting in a movie.

"You're taking the WITCHES side????" This quote made me laugh. In the book, their is a chatroom for creatures that have been transformed. Most have been transferred by a witch, and the characters talk about witches as if it was a normal thing to talk about. This quote shows a lot of what the main problem in this book and how the character deal with this problem of being a creature.

Thursday 1 September 2011

I hate ending really good books!

the end.

I just finished my book, Water For Elephants, and it was everything I thought it was going to be. Although its way different from the movie, I was still attached it to from the very first page I read. In the ending, Jacob (main character) is 93 yrs old and he escapes the retirement home and goes to the circus. He tells the ringmaster, Charlie, his story and later on when the cops are looking for Jacob, Charlie tell the cops that Jacob is his father and that he hasn't seen the missing old man. Jacob rejoins the circus, his home. Well, I thought what kind of book ends with an old man escaping a retirement home and joins a circus? It made my day. I feel as though this book could have at least another 100 pages talking more about his new experience in the circus, but I happy either way. The next book I plan of reading is Beastly, another book that is now a major motion film. I haven't seen this movie, so after I finished the book I plan on watching the movie:) I would start tonight, but I have band practice from 5:30- 8:30pm. Uggh. I kind of want to read and relax, but I guess that's how I'll spend my 3-day weekend.

Tuesday 30 August 2011

Water For Elephants

Sad day. I'm almost finished with my book. I want it to end, but than again I don't. Its one of those books where I start, but then I can't stop until I read for several hours and my eyes hurt. For instance, I have a major quiz tomorrow in English, but all I want to do is read my book. I'm going to study as much as I can, but I want to know what happens next in my book. The main two characters, Jacob and Marlena fall in love, even though Marlena is married. They plan to leave the circus and be with each other. The book shows their struggle to become free, and happy. They have 3 days until they can leave, and that's where I stopped. For now. So, for my 5 followers, and Mr. Hill, read Water For Elephants, you won't regret it.

Sunday 28 August 2011

Water For Elephants

I can honestly say that I spent my whole Sunday reading this book. I already have my pages for the week read, but I still want to read. This part of the book I can't really blog about about because its not school appropriate, and I don't think Mr. Hill would like that. I'll just say that the book is very different from the movie. But, that usually happens so I was prepared for that. After tech practice yesterday, I went to Barnes and Noble and I found a book that I was interested in. Its called Clean and its about a group of teenagers overcoming their addiction. They only had it in hard back, and I hate hard back, so I didn't get it. I hope it comes out in paper back, so that I can read it as my next book. As for Water For Elephants, I plan to finish the book this week. My goal is to read a book every two weeks, so that I'll be able to read a variety of  books. That's all for now, I guess.

Friday 26 August 2011


1. "Just when you're getting the hang of life, it knocks your legs out from under you and stoops your back." I picked this one because in the book, Water For Elephants, is a flash forward. Jacob (main character) shows how old age is bad, but you enjoy the ride before old age turns badly.

2. " When you're five, you know your age down to the month" I find this quote funny because when I was five, I didn't care about my age, because I wanted to young forever.

3. "...I'm crouched under a bunk in a sleeping car  wedged against another man." This quote just made me laugh:)

Thursday 25 August 2011

Water For Elephants

I didn't make too much progress today. Good thing I read another book this weekend, or I wouldn't of had my 100-150 pages. Usually its not hard for me to read that much, but this week has been very stressful and hard. What I read today only went into detail about the hardships of being a worker in the circus. The performers don't have to work nearly as hard the labor crew, and they are treated worse than the performers. Without the background workers, nothing would be accomplished to its full potential. In the circus, the workers, men usually, had to work all day, and would have to sleep on the floor while the performers had their own rooms. Looking or watching a circus, you only think of the certain act going on at that given point, but does anyone think of the labor and work someone put into making that act so neat? A lot goes on behind stage, for example, color guard. Without our guard moms, our uniforms wouldn't get washed, our flags wouldn't get ironed, and no one would help us with our hair and make-up. By watching us, you only see girls twirling pretty flags, but you don't think of all the work that goes on before one of our performances. By reading this, I realize how important the main focus is, but most importantly, the hidden work that no one realizes.
ahhh. For the past 2 hours I made ribbons for color guard. We have our first football game performance, so everyone should come!! And as I'm blogging this, I am slowly remembering people that I did not make a ribbon for. And I haven't even started my hw yet. Procrastination. Don't worry, I'll get it all done:) At least I hope.... After I finish the ribbons that I forget, its going to be a long time before I make ribbons again.

Wednesday 24 August 2011

Water For Elephants

            I just got done reading for the day. I'm not now realizing how behind I am, but I still have until Friday to read the necessary amount of pages. Shouldn't be too hard. Anyways, the section that I read about talked about all the different acts that went on during a circus. One of them was basically a stripper, and the entry fee was only 50 cents. The books' time fame was during the Great Depression, but it relates to today in several ways. As I was reading, I was offended as a woman that someone could do that, even if they are getting paid more 50 cents. I rather be homeless than have to do that. Self pride.


So, I went to Spoonz for the first time today!! Its a frozen yogurt shop right next to Target in Apple Glen. It opened about 3 weeks ago, and its amazing. They only charge 42 cents per ounce, and you get to work the frozen yogurt machine. Then you can add topping you could think of!!! Its great. I got New York Cheesecake and Berries with some candy pieces on top. Yummy:) I give this place a 10, I might even apply for a job there. Hope you give this place a shot!!

Tuesday 23 August 2011

Water For Elephants

I loved the movie, Water For Elephants, so I decided to read the books. Besides, books usually cover detail more than movies do. After I read the book, I plan to watch the movie again so that I can pick which one I preferred. I'm not very far yet, just the background, but I enjoy every page. I don't have a lot of free time to read, so I will have to learn to balance my reading, with homework, and guard practice. Unlike other books, Water For Elephants, the main character doesn't see his old age as a bad one. He says that he lived a full-filled life and he didn't regret working in the circus. When I was little I always wanted to be one of those girls who spun around the hoops like it didn't take any perfect. Those girls made everything they did seem effortless, and I admired them. In Water For Elephants, the main character does not preform an act, but is the vet for the show animals. He falls in love with the ringmasters wife, and that's where trouble starts to follow him. I hope the book turns out to be better than my expectations. I would recommend this book to everyone, even guys. It is a chick flick kind of book, but it also has humor too. I'll try to keep you all updated on the book. Adios.

the good-bye that was never recieved

This was my dogs collar, her name was Lilly. We rescued her about 8 years ago, and last week she passed away. My mom was taking her on her daily walk after diner, and when she passed a woman and her dog, the dog snaped and attacked Lilly. Lilly was only about 15 pounds, while the lab/ pit bull weighed about 75 pounds. Lilly was badly wounded and we had to make the decision to put her down because Lilly was in too much pain. I never got to say good-bye to my doggie. I come home after school, thinking that Lilly is going to be waiting for me. This week has been hard to handle, but I'm slowly forgiving that dog who killed mine. This blog has helped to deal with my loss.  

Friday 19 August 2011

First for everything

Wow. I never thought I would own a blog. I'm an official blogger now. I don't know if I will just use this blog for my assignments, or if I will blog about my daily encounters. I hope that I will use this opportunity to grow as a writer and as a person. So, I'm done with my first entry, and I have a goal, so I hope to full fill what I've said to do.