Wednesday 21 September 2011


I started this new book, Diary, by Chuck Palahniuk. I like the last name a lot, but I do not know who to pronounce it. Oh well, it really does not matter. The book, on the other hand, has qualities that some might find puzzling and odd. Apparently, a man killed himself and his widow is how receiving calls from clients' houses that he remodeled, saying that a room is missing. How can a room go missing first of all, and how does it take people days to realize it? The houses are mostly beach houses that people do not always visit or live in, but how could someone not know what the rooms look like. And why would anymore hide a room anyway? That is what I do not understand. Anyway, the room that was hidden, has words that show how hurtful, harsh, and excepting the world can be. The words prevail that not everyone has an easy life, and that some suffer emotionally and socially. I am not far into Diary, but I can already tell that I will be able to relate to the book easier than any of my friends would. I recommend this book to anymore that has hidden their true feelings to make it easier on you and your peers, rather than causing attention that you many not want.

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