Thursday 15 September 2011

Pippy Longstocking

This week has been nothing, but bad books. I tried about 3 different books, and I have not fallen in love with a single one yet. It makes me very upset. I got a new book, The Diary, from Mr. Hills library, so I hope that this book will be a good one. I'm about due for a good book. This week was very busy, but it just went to a crashing stop. Kind of put a damper on my week, so I plan on reading to keep me busy.
   It was hard for me to get the required amount of pages this week. I usually read around 250 to 300 pages, but this week I barley got 150 pages. I blame the bad books. My goal for next week is to finish The Diary, and continue reading The Host. I still have not gotten The Dart Game King yet, its on my to do list. Maybe next weeks' book will be that book, if not, Mr. Hill has a whole library of books that I can read while I wait.

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