Wednesday 28 September 2011

mixing it upp

Today, I decided to read How to Be Popular by Meg Cabot. Its a novel about a girl, Stephanie, who wants to fit into the popular crowd of high school. This book does not actually tell you how to be "popular" or anything, it is more about what makes you a better person. Rules like think of others before yourself are hidden messages throughout this book. Everyone knows these simple rules already, but sometimes people forget the little reminders. This book helps you to relate to the popular side and the non-popular side. How to Be Popular is not about being popular, but a decent human being; having empathy and a heart. I'm close to finishing this book, and I learned that not being popular is okay. I rather have people like me for who I really am, rather than people thinking that they like me because I act like they want me too. Everyone should live a true life and be happy with they people that love them and with the people they love.

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