Wednesday 14 September 2011

The mysterious Host.

This book confuses me! I haven't read that much of it because I have to think so hard about whats going on that I don't enjoy the book. One moment I think its about an alien, but then it goes into how the humans soul can still run the body. I don't know if Earth has been invaded by aliens, or  if the book is about a science experiment gone wrong. I guess reading more of the book might help solve my problems, but it hurts my brain to keep reading. I like books that I don't have to think about. Anyways, we'll see what happens in the future.
        Ever since Mr. Hill did a book trailer on The Dart Game King, all I want to do now is read that book. This weekend, I might just go to Barn's and Noble and buy the book. The trailer made the book sound so cool and entertaining. I guess for the rest of the week I might continue reading Pippy Longstocking, since The Host isn't for my liking at the moment. I also need to find more time in my day to read. I haven't gotten the chance to read a lot this week, and it saddens me. I would like to read about 300 pages a week, and this week I might be right on the required pages.

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