Friday 11 November 2011

Tweaking to the end

I can't believe that this is our last week of blogging! Its so sad, even though I've kind of been slacking about the whole blog posting, I still enjoy it when I find the time. Im still reading Tweak, and that surprises me because when I like books, it only takes me like one to two weeks to finish, but this time I haven't gotten around to finishing. This semester has gone so fast and I don't know where the time has gone!

Back to the book... Nic has relapsed again, which I figured only because he never really wanted to get better for himself, but for others. If he would stay sober for others, he would relapse for someone else too. The reason why is Zelda; shes Nic's new girlfriend and they started to live together; Nic getting fired from his job and moving out of his apartment was only a few sacrifices that he has to make to win her love, but the biggest one yet was trying to break into his moms house in order to steal a computer. While in the garage, Nic blanks out and 6 hours later when he tries to escape, his parents are waiting for him. They tell Nic that he has two choices; get arrested or go to rehab. He chooses rehab, which is where I am no in the book. His parents decided to move him into a rehab in Arizona, so his relationship with Zelda I believe is coming to an end.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't know you listened to The Civil Wars. Good choice. :):)
