Tuesday 30 August 2011

Water For Elephants

Sad day. I'm almost finished with my book. I want it to end, but than again I don't. Its one of those books where I start, but then I can't stop until I read for several hours and my eyes hurt. For instance, I have a major quiz tomorrow in English, but all I want to do is read my book. I'm going to study as much as I can, but I want to know what happens next in my book. The main two characters, Jacob and Marlena fall in love, even though Marlena is married. They plan to leave the circus and be with each other. The book shows their struggle to become free, and happy. They have 3 days until they can leave, and that's where I stopped. For now. So, for my 5 followers, and Mr. Hill, read Water For Elephants, you won't regret it.

Sunday 28 August 2011

Water For Elephants

I can honestly say that I spent my whole Sunday reading this book. I already have my pages for the week read, but I still want to read. This part of the book I can't really blog about about because its not school appropriate, and I don't think Mr. Hill would like that. I'll just say that the book is very different from the movie. But, that usually happens so I was prepared for that. After tech practice yesterday, I went to Barnes and Noble and I found a book that I was interested in. Its called Clean and its about a group of teenagers overcoming their addiction. They only had it in hard back, and I hate hard back, so I didn't get it. I hope it comes out in paper back, so that I can read it as my next book. As for Water For Elephants, I plan to finish the book this week. My goal is to read a book every two weeks, so that I'll be able to read a variety of  books. That's all for now, I guess.

Friday 26 August 2011


1. "Just when you're getting the hang of life, it knocks your legs out from under you and stoops your back." I picked this one because in the book, Water For Elephants, is a flash forward. Jacob (main character) shows how old age is bad, but you enjoy the ride before old age turns badly.

2. " When you're five, you know your age down to the month" I find this quote funny because when I was five, I didn't care about my age, because I wanted to young forever.

3. "...I'm crouched under a bunk in a sleeping car  wedged against another man." This quote just made me laugh:)

Thursday 25 August 2011

Water For Elephants

I didn't make too much progress today. Good thing I read another book this weekend, or I wouldn't of had my 100-150 pages. Usually its not hard for me to read that much, but this week has been very stressful and hard. What I read today only went into detail about the hardships of being a worker in the circus. The performers don't have to work nearly as hard the labor crew, and they are treated worse than the performers. Without the background workers, nothing would be accomplished to its full potential. In the circus, the workers, men usually, had to work all day, and would have to sleep on the floor while the performers had their own rooms. Looking or watching a circus, you only think of the certain act going on at that given point, but does anyone think of the labor and work someone put into making that act so neat? A lot goes on behind stage, for example, color guard. Without our guard moms, our uniforms wouldn't get washed, our flags wouldn't get ironed, and no one would help us with our hair and make-up. By watching us, you only see girls twirling pretty flags, but you don't think of all the work that goes on before one of our performances. By reading this, I realize how important the main focus is, but most importantly, the hidden work that no one realizes.
ahhh. For the past 2 hours I made ribbons for color guard. We have our first football game performance, so everyone should come!! And as I'm blogging this, I am slowly remembering people that I did not make a ribbon for. And I haven't even started my hw yet. Procrastination. Don't worry, I'll get it all done:) At least I hope.... After I finish the ribbons that I forget, its going to be a long time before I make ribbons again.

Wednesday 24 August 2011

Water For Elephants

            I just got done reading for the day. I'm not now realizing how behind I am, but I still have until Friday to read the necessary amount of pages. Shouldn't be too hard. Anyways, the section that I read about talked about all the different acts that went on during a circus. One of them was basically a stripper, and the entry fee was only 50 cents. The books' time fame was during the Great Depression, but it relates to today in several ways. As I was reading, I was offended as a woman that someone could do that, even if they are getting paid more 50 cents. I rather be homeless than have to do that. Self pride.


So, I went to Spoonz for the first time today!! Its a frozen yogurt shop right next to Target in Apple Glen. It opened about 3 weeks ago, and its amazing. They only charge 42 cents per ounce, and you get to work the frozen yogurt machine. Then you can add topping you could think of!!! Its great. I got New York Cheesecake and Berries with some candy pieces on top. Yummy:) I give this place a 10, I might even apply for a job there. Hope you give this place a shot!!

Tuesday 23 August 2011

Water For Elephants

I loved the movie, Water For Elephants, so I decided to read the books. Besides, books usually cover detail more than movies do. After I read the book, I plan to watch the movie again so that I can pick which one I preferred. I'm not very far yet, just the background, but I enjoy every page. I don't have a lot of free time to read, so I will have to learn to balance my reading, with homework, and guard practice. Unlike other books, Water For Elephants, the main character doesn't see his old age as a bad one. He says that he lived a full-filled life and he didn't regret working in the circus. When I was little I always wanted to be one of those girls who spun around the hoops like it didn't take any perfect. Those girls made everything they did seem effortless, and I admired them. In Water For Elephants, the main character does not preform an act, but is the vet for the show animals. He falls in love with the ringmasters wife, and that's where trouble starts to follow him. I hope the book turns out to be better than my expectations. I would recommend this book to everyone, even guys. It is a chick flick kind of book, but it also has humor too. I'll try to keep you all updated on the book. Adios.

the good-bye that was never recieved

This was my dogs collar, her name was Lilly. We rescued her about 8 years ago, and last week she passed away. My mom was taking her on her daily walk after diner, and when she passed a woman and her dog, the dog snaped and attacked Lilly. Lilly was only about 15 pounds, while the lab/ pit bull weighed about 75 pounds. Lilly was badly wounded and we had to make the decision to put her down because Lilly was in too much pain. I never got to say good-bye to my doggie. I come home after school, thinking that Lilly is going to be waiting for me. This week has been hard to handle, but I'm slowly forgiving that dog who killed mine. This blog has helped to deal with my loss.  

Friday 19 August 2011

First for everything

Wow. I never thought I would own a blog. I'm an official blogger now. I don't know if I will just use this blog for my assignments, or if I will blog about my daily encounters. I hope that I will use this opportunity to grow as a writer and as a person. So, I'm done with my first entry, and I have a goal, so I hope to full fill what I've said to do.