Friday 11 November 2011

Finally, last currently...

-Where and when did you find yourself sitting down to read? Do you tend to read with music on, or in silence? By the computer? Did you find yourself checking your phone a lot, or do you ever lose yourself in the reading? Do you ever talk about the books you read with your family or friends or teachers?

When I find time to read, I usually sit down in a quiet, calm place in my house such as my room or office. Whenever I clean my room, or when my sheets are just washed, I find myself reading more often than when my room is a total mess. I can't read with the radio on because I can't fully understand and relate to the book. I prefer total silence. My favorite place to read is in my bed, and other than that, I don't really like. If I am texting someone important, I will usually finish the paragraph or page I'm reading before I  check my messages. When I am reading for long periods of time, I often do lose myself inside the book. Time escapes from me and I just read until my eyes hurt or I realize that I need to be doing something else. I don't ever talk about the books I'm reading simply because I don't want to discuss the book; I just want to have my own opinion if I like it or not. But, I do often tell my friends or family to read a book that I find enjoyable. Reading for me comes to bursts, I can't read enough sometimes, and other times I don't want to do anything. Usually good books allow me to read more than if I was reading a book for school or something.

Tweaking to the end

I can't believe that this is our last week of blogging! Its so sad, even though I've kind of been slacking about the whole blog posting, I still enjoy it when I find the time. Im still reading Tweak, and that surprises me because when I like books, it only takes me like one to two weeks to finish, but this time I haven't gotten around to finishing. This semester has gone so fast and I don't know where the time has gone!

Back to the book... Nic has relapsed again, which I figured only because he never really wanted to get better for himself, but for others. If he would stay sober for others, he would relapse for someone else too. The reason why is Zelda; shes Nic's new girlfriend and they started to live together; Nic getting fired from his job and moving out of his apartment was only a few sacrifices that he has to make to win her love, but the biggest one yet was trying to break into his moms house in order to steal a computer. While in the garage, Nic blanks out and 6 hours later when he tries to escape, his parents are waiting for him. They tell Nic that he has two choices; get arrested or go to rehab. He chooses rehab, which is where I am no in the book. His parents decided to move him into a rehab in Arizona, so his relationship with Zelda I believe is coming to an end.

Thursday 3 November 2011

Mind Gym by Gary Mack

Our marching band went to state this previous weekend, and we ended up winning. Cool, right? So now everyone is congratulating us and "honoring" us. Anyway, I'm so glad we won, but I don't think my reaction towards our win was what was expected of us. So, now I'm reading Mind Gym by Gary Mack. Its a preparation book that tell you how an athlete would preform mentally; saying that your game is 90 percent of the game is half mental. I still don't know what that means, just that your game is determined by how mentally prepared you are. Since winter guard starts next week, I hope that this book will help me to become a better performer and be able to give advice to those who haven't figured it out yet. Even before reading Mind Gym, I always have mental rules and superstitions before a contest. I don't like seeing the field before we preform, and I always sing and chew gum right during warm up and before we walk onto the stage. I always crack and neck before tosses and crack my hands before dancing. I don't eat before the game, even if I'm hungry and I don't like to know where my mom is sitting because I don't want to see her reactions. In my head, all of these "rules" that I do make me preform to my greatest potential. I hope Mind Gym gives me better advice than what I am doing, to see if I can have a great performance by telling myself that I will. I want to trust myself and what I am able to do without fearing it won't happen. Well, we'll see...